Get your AI-powered business CRM today

Get access to your customer management app: CRM, Messaging, Review Management, Social Media, SEO, Integrations, Automations +

SEO optimized website for a window cleaning business

Give your business a technology advantage

Centralize your customer data

Centralize your business’s data and streamline workflows from many different systems by integrating them with Business App’s CRM and automations.

Customer data can be synced from:

  • Jobber
  • Zapier
  • Facebook & Instagram
  • Web Chat
  • Custom Lead Capture Forms
  • …and more!
CRM with integrations
Inbox Messaging Hub

Get more reviews with automated Review Requesting

The best way to get your next customer is a testimonial from a past customer. Automate capturing those reviews using by sending post-job review reminders, which can be triggered when a job is completed – even on another platform.

AI-Assisted Lead Capture

Never miss a lead again. Website visitors get an instant response by your helpful AI assistant, answering questions about your business and encouraging them to leave their contact info.

When visitors arrive at your client’s website, they’ll be greeted right away, and their contact information will be collected and sent to Inbox, ready for the sales team to follow up. Leads delivered to Inbox by the AI-powered web chat widget will join enquiries and messages from Google Business Messages and SMS, centralizing all customer communication in one place.

CRM with integrations
Inbox Messaging Hub

Inbox Messaging Hub

All communication in one place – instead of isolated on personal employee phones.

Shared team Inbox for collaborating on customer communication via SMS, Email, Web Chat, Facebook, and Google Messages

Features of your Business App

Capture leads and communicate in a shared team Inbox and CRM hub with appointment booking, email and SMS marketing automation, review management, SEO, and more!

AI-Assisted Lead Capture

AI-Assisted Lead Capture

Collect leads from your website and turn them into happy customers

CRM with Integrations

CRM with Integrations

Centralize all your customer data in the CRM, with integrations to bring contact data from outside systems into one place

Inbox Messaging Hub

Inbox Messaging Hub

Collaborate with your team on communicating with customers from a unified Inbox for SMS, Web Chat, Facebook, Instagram and Google Messages

Meeting Scheduler

Meeting Scheduler

Easily book meetings with clients; both in-person or via digital conferencing with Google Meet or Zoom

SEO, Social Media & Reputation

SEO, Social Media & Reputation

Show up higher wherever people are searching for your products and services, with tools for improving your social media presence, SEO and Reputation

Easy Analytics Reporting

Easy Analytics Reporting

Easily understand how your business is performing on Google, and across the web



Customer data can sync with Zapier, Google, Facebook and more

Mobile App

Mobile App

[Coming Soon] to iOS and Android

Powered by AI

Powered by AI

AI-assisted lead capture and content generation: email campaigns, sms, social media

Email and SMS Marketing

Email and SMS Marketing

Connect with your audience at scale, with smart campaigns that can be sent via email and SMS



Automate key workflows for your business – like sending a review request when a job is completed!

Say Hello to Get Started

We’ll provide a free business assessment and recommendations to help you streamline you business customer management.

We’ve been receiving more calls from exactly the types of clients we’re targeting, to grow our business.”


Owner, Axium Interiors

“We wanted to send a really big thanks to you and your team, you helped our business to grow so much. We’re so busy now, we now have to say ‘No’ to some jobs. HUGE thanks!”


Co-owner, Squeegees Window Cleaning

See measurable results, in your business reports

We’re able to measure and show the long-term performance of your website’s success in attracting new customers, with powerful analytics reporting that’s easy to understand and see the value of your investments.

Increasing website visitors with SEO optimization
Increasing customer engagement on Google